Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Tips on growing an aloe Vera successfully :)

 This is my 5 year old Aloe Vera that is for the first time flowering! I'm so excited because i have 3 of these beautiful big aloe Vera's that I grew from when they were 5 inches tall. I will make sure to post pics when the flower blooms!

Here are some tips to growing a successful aloe Vera plant: (and don't worry if you've killed some, I killed 2 aloe Vera's before I got the hang of it)
1. Make sure your aloe Vera gets lots of sunlight, right infront of a window is perfect
2. Don't over water, I usually water once every week to three weeks, depending on the soil, make sure the soil is dry before watering 
3. Make sure to transplant the aloe Vera once it gets bigger, go one pot size up each transplant until you go to about the size of pot I have in the picture, that should be the largest it goes to
4. You can always ask me or Google your questions if you need any help or are unsure

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